How to add comets to Stellarium

With comet C/2014 E2 Jacques currently making an impressive tour through part of our milky way it is passing some very interesting objects. This creates great photograph opportunities to make some great pictures. But how can we plan a photograph session or how do we even know where comet Jaques will be at a certain date and time?

Adding comets in Stellarium

Luckily there is the great free open source program Stellarium and the ability to add objects like comets to it so we can actually check on the location at any date, time and location!
Here is how you add it to your installation of Stellarium;

  1. Go to Configuration (press F2)
    Adding comets to Stellarium - Step 1
  2. Go to ‘Plugins’ and click on ‘configure’
    Adding comets to Stellarium - Step 2
  3. Go to ‘Solar System’ and click on “Import orbital elements in MPC format”.
    Adding comets to Stellarium - Step 3
  4. Go to ‘Online Search’ and search for ‘C/2014 E2’ to find comet Jacques. Please note that the search is case sensitive.
    Adding comets to Stellarium - Step 4

  5. Select the comet by checking the box in front of the search result and click ‘Add objects’ to add it to your instance of Stellarium
    Adding comets to Stellarium - Step 5

Done! Now you have the comet as an object available in Stellarium and you can search for it just like you would find any other object.

Adding comets to Stellarium


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